Start The New Year with Fresh Perspective

Start The New Year with Fresh Perspective

5 Ways to Start Fresh this Year

While the COVID-19 Pandemic kept most of us at home, I thought I’d share a photo from a previous year showing the festive uniquely Philly celebration called the Mummers Parade.

 At the start of a New Year, we automatically think of fresh starts. After all, there’s an entire year in front of you. Imagine the possibilities!

But isn’t it funny how we obsess so much over making something so big and grand as a year perfect when we could be applying the same energy and enthusiasm to every single day? Think about it. What if you could make the most of today, focusing on the present moment? It’s a heady thought.


Start With Letting Go

You’re never going to get anywhere if you’re listening to the same old messages. Whatever you’re carrying with you, be it past disappointments or failures or even heavier baggage involving old decisions or harmful circumstances, needs to be let go of. This is going to have to be a conscious decision made every day. Letting go means having room for new, better things in your life. That’s why this is so important. Having trouble letting go? Don’t be afraid to talk to someone for additional help if you need to.

What’s Important Today

Big goals are great, but sometimes they make it hard to see what you need to do right now. Today the goal is to focus on what needs doing in the here and now. Start each day with a set idea in mind of where your focus should be right now.

Drop the Distractions

How can you get anything done today if you’re caught in a mire of social media, email, and text messages? Today make the goal to put your attention where it matters most. Try turning off the internet for an hour or two to get some work done if it helps you to focus.

What is Your Happiness

Happiness should not be a someday goal but a daily one. What makes you happy today? If you’re not sure, start with exploring your passion to find it. A little time daily in what matters most is sure to bring both a brand-new smile and all the good feelings blossoming from doing what you love.

Decide Who You Are

Did you know it’s ok to create a fresh new you at the start of every day? This comes from realizing just who you are right now. What does the you of today need most? What benefits you in the here and now? Do what makes sense for you today.

Talk about fresh starts! With every day fresh and unspoiled, waiting for you to create, however you want, the world becomes a rather exciting place. This is magic waiting to happen, with you in control of what happens next. How great is that?


Getting your New Year started right: Use These 5 Tips to Start Off Right

Getting your New Year started right: Use These 5 Tips to Start Off Right

The New Year is here. Are you ready?

There’s an inevitable panic that sets in after the holidays. We’ve been so rushed with shopping, family, and a busy social whirl, is it any surprise we feel unprepared for the year to come? Suddenly everyone is talking about their great grand goals, and you still haven’t quite figured out how to close out the last year.

It’s a good thing starting your New Year right is reasonably straightforward. In fact, using these five tips, you’ll feel prepared in no time.

  1. Take a Hard Look Back
    It’s not often where you’re encouraged to stare in the rearview mirror. On the other hand, there comes a time when looking back is absolutely necessary. This is one of those times. Here’s where you want to review your last year. What did you accomplish? What feels unfinished? Where were the improvements? What held you back? What are the regrets you carry? What do you feel especially proud of?
  2. Finish Things
    What haven’t you closed out yet? It’s time to clear the decks for the new year. The good news is you might not have to finish everything. Carefully examine these old projects. Are there any things you could delegate? What about projects you really no longer need at all? It’s ok to let go of things that are no longer important.
  3. Add in a Dose of Realism
    Look at the goals you made last year. Were they reasonable? What about the things you want to do this coming year? It might be time to scale back into the realm of possibilities. You can start by breaking down the big crazy things into smaller steps you actually can accomplish.
  4. What’s Your Focus?
    Look again at your goals. Are they all over the place? Find the common denominator (if there is one). If not, it’s time to figure out what you’re really after. Having substantial focus makes you much more likely to accomplish what you set out to do. Knowing this focus before the year begins is really half the battle.
  5. Take Care of You
    This one should go without saying. If you’re not healthy, you’re not going to get anything done at all. Make yourself a priority before the year begins, setting up healthy habits, so you have the energy to do what you need to when the time comes.

If you’ve followed these steps, then you will be the one feeling prepared for the New Year, and it’s the rest of the world who will be looking at your feeling envious at your calm as you enter into your best year ever. Yay you!


The Power of Having a Single Word to Guide You in 2023

The Power of Having a Single Word to Guide You in 2023

The Power of Having a Single Word to Guide You in 2023

Getting ready for the New Year

As a new year approaches, many of us take the time to reflect on the past and set personal goals for the future. If you spend any time on social media, then perhaps you’ve seen this before. You’ll find people from all walks of life embracing a single word designed to define the coming year.

While no one seems to know where the idea came from, everyone seems to agree a single word creates a theme, something to hang onto throughout the coming year. In a sense, this is what you’re going to build your year on.

With all the craze to simplify and live in a minimalistic way, taking on a single word to define your year holds a certain appeal. Instead of slogging through a pile of resolutions or To-Do lists, you’re instead sticking to the idea of a handful of syllables. Beautiful, right?

Choosing a single word for the New Year can be a powerful start to building your personal mission statement helping you stay focused on achieving personal success and maintaining positive thinking. Creating a personal mission statement from this single word will help you stay motivated throughout the year and make it easier to reach your goals.

In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of choosing a personal guiding light in the form of one word to set intentions for 2023. We will also provide valuable tips on how you can select an inspiring word that resonates with you and helps lead you toward your goals. So let’s get started on making 2023 your best year yet!

The Benefits of Choosing a Word for the New Year

Choosing a personal word to guide you through 2023 can be incredibly beneficial in achieving personal success and staying on track with your goals. Let’s explore some of the key benefits below:

  • Personal Success: Having a personal mission statement that focuses on personal growth, progress, and development can help you stay motivated and focused on reaching your personal goals.
  • Setting Goals: Having a personal word to guide you can also help you set realistic and achievable goals for the New Year. Having this personal guiding light will give you direction and clarity when making decisions that impact your future.
  • Positive Thinking: A positive outlook is essential to making the most out of the year ahead, and having a personal word that resonates with you can create an atmosphere of positivity and inspiration. This will help keep you motivated throughout the year and make it easier to reach your personal goals.

Tips for Choosing the Right Word for You

Finding a single word to focus on in 2023 isn’t always easy. To ensure that you are choosing the right word that resonates with you, here are some tips to consider:

  • Think about what personal goals you want to reach in 2023. Ask yourself what kind of person do you want to be and what values do you want to uphold?
  • Brainstorm words that come to mind when you think about your personal mission statement for 2023. Write down as many words as possible, even if they don’t seem relevant at first.
  • Narrow down your list of words and reflect on each one. Which one feels most meaningful and inspiring to you? Make sure it is a positive word that encourages personal growth and sets a tone for personal success in the New Year.
  • Consider how you can incorporate this personal word into your life. Will it be a personal mantra that you say every morning? Or will it be a reminder to take action and persevere when things get tough?

Choosing a personal word to focus on in the New Year can be incredibly beneficial in achieving personal success and staying on track with your goals. The personal word you choose should really resonate with you setting a tone for positivity, and personal development, and motivating you to reach your goals throughout the year.

Once you have found the right word for your New Year, use it as an inspiration to move forward and create a powerful mission statement for yourself. With this personal guiding light, you can remain focused on achieving personal success and making 2023 your best year yet!

We hope our tips have been helpful in choosing the right word and wish you all the best for this upcoming year!

Here’s to a fantastic 2023!

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