5 Things You Can Do Today to Handle Daily Pressure

5 Things You Can Do Today to Handle Daily Pressure

Extreme pressure. These are the moments we dread. It’s the type of pressure that comes from finding out seriously bad news. Or when it’s not just your paycheck on the line, but your job. It’s the pressure that ramps up stress and makes your heart race and your palms sweat.


So how do you stand up under pressure so intense that you’re losing sleep over it? Believe it or not, it’s easier than you think.


  1. Get emotional. The starting point of managing extreme pressure is right here, in that first reaction. First and foremost, you need to feel what you’re going to feel. Swallowing your emotions are only going to do serious damage to your physical and mental health. So give yourself some space. Upset? Then yell. Sad? It’s ok to cry. Let it out. The trick is to not stay there in the emotions. Let them run their course, and then move on.
  2. Find a support system. When under this kind of pressure, you’re going to need people you can count on who will be there with you through the long haul. Evaluate your contacts. Who’s reliable? Who has always had your back? Draw those people around you, and then let them know what’s going on. They can’t help if they don’t know about the problem.
  3. Meditate or relax. Rather than let the pressure build-up to toxic levels in your body, take some time to do something relaxing. Jog, garden, bake. If it’s a relaxing activity for you, then do it. Or you can try meditation. Even a few minutes spent in a deep state of relaxation is beneficial. What makes it even nicer is that meditation isn’t hard to learn, and you can do it anywhere.
  4. Address the issues. Extreme pressure is only made worse by anxiety and panic. If you’re exacerbating the problem with your reactions, then it’s time to face your fears. Ask yourself what the trigger is, and then take the time to address it.
  5. Find someone who’s been there before. Mentors are invaluable, especially when you’re in new territory. Having someone who can walk you through what happens next is the difference between floundering, lost in a sea of new information, and stepping out with confidence.

Extreme pressure is going to happen whether we like it or not. Thankfully with the right strategies in place, not only can we learn how to manage it but we can reduce the physical effects of it right from the start. The good news is, most extreme pressure is a temporary thing. You will get through this; you can count on that.

5 Strategies to Keep Extreme Pressure Under Control

5 Strategies to Keep Extreme Pressure Under Control

Pressure comes in many forms. Some of it can be beneficial, like the pressure that inspires you to perform well. But some pressure can be crippling, to the point where it’s so extreme that you no longer know how you can bear up under it. What can you do when the pressure is so intense that you don’t know what to do?

1. Remember the phrase, ‘Not my monkeys, not my circus.’ Not all pressure is yours to bear. It could be some of it can be delegated to someone else. Or perhaps it was never your responsibility in the first place. Examine the causes of pressure. Are there things you can remove? Are there things that you’re holding onto that were never yours? Then let go of what you can.

2. Create a support system. Having people you can talk to is crucial in handling intense pressure. But you need a network made up of a variety of people including:


Sometimes even professionals in the form of therapists or counselors

The important thing to remember is that all of these are relationships you need to cultivate, especially in times of low pressure. After all, you can’t expect people to be there for you when you haven’t been there for them.

3. Renew yourself physically. Extreme stress is going to eat away at your resources, leaving you exhausted mentally and physically. That’s why it’s so important to take care of yourself so that you’re strong enough to rise to the challenge when you need to. This care comes in many forms.

Eating correctly. Putting healthy things into your body provides the energy you need.
Exercise. Positive body motion not only builds strength and muscle but also affects your brain chemistry in positive ways. It adds dopamine and endorphins to an overloaded system, therefore taking the stress off.
Adequate sleep. You’ll be needing 7-9 hours a day of sleep to leave you feeling restored and ready to go.

4. Renew yourself mentally. Indulge in a hobby or other restful pastime. Or schedule in some ‘me time’ for a massage or a fun night out with friends. These mental health breaks help keep the pressure in perspective so that it doesn’t overtake your life.

5. Become more Zen. By not letting things get to you, you can look at a situation clearly, and make decisions that will help you to move forward. Allow the pressure to flow over you, but do not take it into yourself or define yourself by it.

Extreme pressure doesn’t have to rule your life. Using strategic thinking will help to keep you focused and on track, without letting the pressure rule your life or worse, overwhelming you completely.

Don’t forget your breath and the pace at which you breathe in and out. Slowing your breath helps you control your emotions.

If you’ve taken yoga class remember the breathing exercises you practice to calm yourself before you leave the mat.

Namaste –

A common phrase in yoga. It is a gesture to send a message of peaceful spirituality to the universe in the hopes of receiving a positive message back.”